
Oh, I wish I was a jet-setter with diamonds in my hair

Love gold? Love the idea of living surrounded by it? Have stupidly massive amounts of money to waste and are bored by the idea of travel, books or anything mind-broadening like that?
$26600. Solid gold speakers from MBL.
Though to be honest, if you need one of these it shows you still use CD's. My god, MBL, when are you going to come out with those gold plated iPod speakers I just can't live without?
Apparently it offers a "pure audio experience". Which I'm sure you care about if you're the sort of person who buys speakers with gold buttons.
This one is £8000 pounds, and in case you hadn't realised, is a solid gold Blackberry Torch handset. Once again, it's slightly outdated, because it's got a keypad instead of a touch screen, but fuck that, IT'S GOLD!
It also comes in pink, yellow and rose gold. Because if your solid gold phone doesn't match your outfit they don't let you into first class.
Also available with a sprinkling of diamonds. HELL YEAH!

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