
My new style crushes

Aura Lamp by Ocean Delaine and Beatrice Durandard. Normally I would avoid something like this like the plague. Why? Because it's got the word aura in it, which makes me want to punch someone. But it's just so pretty...
Let's face it though, it's a strip-lit wicker basket.

Now that's more like it. Cube as Home Lights by Orest Tatryn.
If you continue reading this blog for a while, you'll realise that I have a fetish for multicoloured glowing things. It's because I always picture myself ten years from now, in a bar in New York sipping a Screaming Orgasm (one day I will look back on this and cringe) lit by lots and lots of multi-coloured glowy things. And being chatted up by incredibly handsome men, but the glowy things are vitally important to the image too.

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