
Enchanted Doll and the magical realm of pretty creepiness.

This is the 20 to Midnight doll from the Enchanted Doll range. Just watch her blank, staring eyes and she reclines naked, wondering why you are staring at her grossly deformed head. She is sucking out your soul.
These are genuinely real, not just computer animations. You can order your own. If you really want an incredibly realistic and intricate doll. With incredibly intricate and realistic...umm... nipples.
Yeah, these are definitely not kids toys.
These are metal shoes you can get for your enchanted doll. They come in four styles, Extravagance, Persian Slippers, Marie Antoinette and Hopscotch. Yeah, no clothes, but REALLY GREAT SHOES!
The thing is, I actually find these really pretty and would love one, but I would probably have to destroy it after a while because of the fear that it would come alive and murder me.
http://www.enchanteddoll.com if you want these...ummm...

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